Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core presents: Introduction to Variant Calling

REGISTER HERE:  https://tinyurl.com/HBC-VariantCalling
DATES: September 17, 20, 24 and 27
WORKSHOP LOCATION: In-person (Longwood Medical Area)
TIME: 9:30 AM – 12 PM ET (All Days)
PREREQUISITES: This is one of the advanced workshops and requires registrants to have attended our Shell for Bioinformatics workshop (formerly Introduction to Shell and HPC) (or have a working knowledge of Shell and high performance computing).

Workshop description: 
This **In-Person** hands-on Variant Analysis workshop is aimed at providing best practices for calling variants for paired normal/tumor datasets. Importantly, while this workshop focuses on calling variants in the context of paired tumor/normal samples, much of this workshop’s pipeline and discussion is adaptable to other types of variant calling applications. This workshop will demonstrate to participants how to take raw sequence reads and process them into a VCF file with annotated variants. Furthermore, the workshop ends with a tutorial for visualizing called variants within the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) and creating figures using cBioPortal.

Contact hbctraining@hsph.harvard.edu with any questions.