The HU CFAR Executive Committee is composed of multi-disciplinary HIV researchers representing each of Harvard’s affiliated institutions.
The Executive Committee members help ensure that the breath, depth and quality of HIV research, core services and education and training opportunities are of the highest caliber, and continue to incorporate new directions and innovative ideas across Harvard and its affiliated hospitals.
Our current HU CFAR Executive Committee members are listed below:
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Alejandro B. Balazs, PhD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolabalazs@balazslab.comAmy K. Barczak, MD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolabarczak@partners.orgDan H. Barouch, MD, PhD
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Vaccines; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberWilliam Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical SchoolDirector, Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerdbarouch@bidmc.harvard.eduIngrid V. Bassett, MD, MPH
Co-Director, Harvard University Center for AIDS ResearchHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolLisa M. Bebell, MD, MSc
Director, HU CFAR Program in Placental & HIVHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoollbebell@mgh.harvard.eduJames M. Billingsley, PhD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberResearch Scientist, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthMalika Boudries, Ph.D.
Co-Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering CommitteeHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centermaid@bidmc.harvard.eduSandra K. Burchett, MD, MSc
Site Leader, HU CFAR Clinical Core; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolSenior Associate Physician, Boston Children’s Hospitalsandra.burchett@childrens.harvard.eduPeter R. Chai, MD
Director, HU CFAR Substance Use & HIV Scientific Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolpchai@bwh.harvard.eduAndrea Ciaranello, MD, MPH
Director, HU CFAR Program in Health Economics and Modeling; Advisor, HU CFAR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolaciaranello@mgh.harvard.eduScott L. Dryden-Peterson, MD
Co-Director, HU CFAR HIV & Malignancy SWGHU CFAR Executive Committee Membersldrydenpeterson@bwh.harvard.eduAlan N. Engelman, PhD
Co-Chair Basic & Translational Science Steering Committee (BTS-SC)HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolalan_engelman@dfci.harvard.eduMolly F. Franke, SD
Co-Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmolly_franke@hms.harvard.eduKenneth A. Freedberg, MD, MSC
Director, HU CFAR Program in Health Economics and ModelingHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Director, Medical Practice Evaluation Center, Massachusetts General Hospitalkfreedberg@partners.orgRajesh T. Gandhi, MD
Co-Director and Principal Investigator, Harvard University Center for AIDS Research; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberDirector of HIV Clinical Services and Education, Massachusetts General HospitalProfessor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Harvard Medical SchoolMusie S. Ghebremichael, PhD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core; Advisor, HU CFAR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAnne E. Goldfeld, MD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolProfessor of Immunology & Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthanne.goldfeld@childrens.harvard.eduJessica Haberer, MD
Associate Director, Developmental & Mentoring Core; Advisor, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Working Group; HU CFAR Executive CommitteeProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooljhaberer@partners.orgZachary T. Herbert, MS
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberResearch Associate in Medicine, Dana-Farber Cancer Centerzherbert@mail.dfci.harvard.eduEmily P. Hyle, MD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolehyle@mgh.harvard.eduWhitney Irie, Ph.D., MSW
Co-Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering CommitteeHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberLecturer on Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcarewhitney.irie@bc.eduDenise L. Jacobson, PhD
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescent & HIV Scientific Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberSenior Research Scientist, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthjacobson@sdac.harvard.eduBoris D. Juelg, MD, PhD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolbjulg@mgh.harvard.eduIngrid T. Katz, MD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolikatz2@bwh.harvard.eduDavid M. Knipe, PhD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberHiggins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical Schooldavid_knipe@hms.harvard.eduDouglas S. Krakower, MD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldkrakowe@bidmc.harvard.eduDaniel R. Kuritzkes, MD
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Eradication; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberHarriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolChief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Brigham and Women’s Hospitaldkuritzkes@partners.orgDouglas Kwon, MD, PhD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldkwon@mgh.harvard.eduJonathan Z. Li, MD
Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooljli@bwh.harvard.eduMathias Lichterfeld, MD, PhD
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Eradication HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmlichterfeld@mgh.harvard.eduDaniel Lingwood, PhD
Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldlingwood@mgh.harvard.eduShahin Lockman, MD, MSc
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthshahin.lockman@gmail.comLawrence C. Madoff, MD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberMedical Director, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences at Massachusetts Department of Public HealthProfessor, UMass Chan Medical Schoollawrence.madoff@umassmemorial.orgKenneth H. Mayer, MD
Director, HU CFAR Bio-Behavioral and Community Science; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Co-Director, The Fenway InstituteProfessor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthkhmayer@gmail.comMonty A. Montano, PhD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolMMONTANO@BWH.HARVARD.EDUAnne M. Neilan, MD
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescence and HIV Scientific Working Group; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssistant Professor of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospitalaneilan@mgh.harvard.eduConall M. O’Cleirigh, PhD
Associate Director, HU CFAR Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberDirector, Behavioral Medicine Program, Massachusetts General HospitalAssociate Professor, Harvard Medical Schoolcocleirigh@mgh.harvard.eduRobert A. Parker, ScD
Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Associate Biostatistician, Biostatistics Center, Massachusetts General HospitalKathleen M. Powis, MD
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescence and HIV Scientific Working Group; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolResearch Associate, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthkpowis@partners.orgRoger L. Shapiro, MD, MPH
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthrshapiro999@gmail.comMark J. Siedner, MD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmsiedner@mgh.harvard.eduLaura M. Smeaton, MS
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberSenior Biostatistician and Associate Director of Biostatistical Training, Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthAthe M.N. Tsibris, MD
Co-Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolatsibris@partners.orgVladimir Vrbanac, DVM
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberCo-Director, Human Immune System Mouse Core, Ragon Institutevvrbanac@partners.orgBruce D. Walker, MD
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberPhillip T. and Susan M. Ragon Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Medicine, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, S. A.Director, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and HarvardCourtney Yuen, PhD
Associate Director, Implementation Science, Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s
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