67 results found.
Aima Ahonkhai, MD, MPH
Aima Ahonkhai
Associate Director, Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core; Director, Community Engaged Research ProgramHU CFAR Executive Committee Memberaahonkhai@mgh.harvard.edu Wanda Allen, BS
Wanda Allen
Associate Director, Community Engaged Research Program, Bio-behavioral and Community Science Corewanda_allen@harvard.edu Kevin Ard, MD
Kevin Ard
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts General HospitalKARD@MGH.HARVARD.EDU Alejandro B. Balazs, PhD
Alejandro B. Balazs
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolabalazs@balazslab.com Amy K. Barczak, MD
Amy K. Barczak
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolabarczak@partners.org Ruanne Barnabas, MBChB, MSc, DPhil
Ruanne Barnabas
Director, HU CFAR HIV and MalignancyChief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, MGHProfessor of Medicine, MGHRBARNABAS@mgh.harvard.edu Dan H. Barouch, MD, PhD
Dan H. Barouch
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Vaccines; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberWilliam Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical SchoolDirector, Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerdbarouch@bidmc.harvard.edu Ingrid V. Bassett, MD, MPH
Ingrid V. Bassett
Co-Director, Harvard University Center for AIDS ResearchHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Lisa M. Bebell, MD, MSc
Lisa M. Bebell
Director, HU CFAR Program in Placental & HIVHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoollbebell@mgh.harvard.edu Linda-Gail Bekker, PhD
Linda-Gail Bekker
External Scientific Advisory Board Member Deputy DirectorDesmond Tutu HIV Centre, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine at the University of Cape TownChief Operating Officer, Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation James M. Billingsley, PhD
James M. Billingsley
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberResearch Scientist, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Bethany Booth, JD
Bethany Booth
Program Manager, HU CFAR Developmental & Mentoring CoreFinancial Manager, Administrative Corebethany_booth@harvard.edu Malika Boudries, Ph.D.
Malika Boudries
Co-Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering CommitteeHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centermaid@bidmc.harvard.edu Sandra K. Burchett, MD, MSc
Sandra K. Burchett
Site Leader, HU CFAR Clinical Core; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolSenior Associate Physician, Boston Children’s Hospitalsandra.burchett@childrens.harvard.edu Ann Chahroudi, MD, PhD
Ann Chahroudi
External Scientific Advisory Board Member Deputy DirectorAssociate Division Chief for Basic/Translational Research, Division of Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of MedicineAssociate Professor, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of Medicine Peter R. Chai, MD
Peter R. Chai
Director, HU CFAR Substance Use & HIV Scientific Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolpchai@bwh.harvard.edu Andrea Ciaranello, MD, MPH
Andrea Ciaranello
Director, HU CFAR Program in Health Economics and Modeling; Advisor, HU CFAR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolaciaranello@mgh.harvard.edu Susan Cu-Uvin, MD
Susan Cu-Uvin
External Scientific Advisory Board Member Deputy DirectorProfessor of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Brown University; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown UniversityProfessor of Medicine, Brown University Scott L. Dryden-Peterson, MD
Scott L. Dryden-Peterson
Co-Director, HU CFAR HIV & Malignancy SWGHU CFAR Executive Committee Membersldrydenpeterson@bwh.harvard.edu Alan N. Engelman, PhD
Alan N. Engelman
Co-Chair Basic & Translational Science Steering Committee (BTS-SC)HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolalan_engelman@dfci.harvard.edu Molly F. Franke, SD
Molly F. Franke
Co-Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmolly_franke@hms.harvard.edu Kenneth A. Freedberg, MD, MSC
Kenneth A. Freedberg
Director, HU CFAR Program in Health Economics and ModelingHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Director, Medical Practice Evaluation Center, Massachusetts General Hospitalkfreedberg@partners.org Rajesh T. Gandhi, MD
Rajesh T. Gandhi
Co-Director and Principal Investigator, Harvard University Center for AIDS Research; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberDirector of HIV Clinical Services and Education, Massachusetts General HospitalProfessor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Harvard Medical School Musie S. Ghebremichael, PhD
Musie S. Ghebremichael
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core; Advisor, HU CFAR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Anne E. Goldfeld, MD
Anne E. Goldfeld
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolProfessor of Immunology & Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthanne.goldfeld@childrens.harvard.edu Jessica Haberer, MD
Jessica Haberer
Associate Director, Developmental & Mentoring Core; Advisor, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Working Group; HU CFAR Executive CommitteeProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooljhaberer@partners.org Zachary T. Herbert, MS
Zachary T. Herbert
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberResearch Associate in Medicine, Dana-Farber Cancer Centerzherbert@mail.dfci.harvard.edu Peter Hunt, MD
Peter Hunt
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine (DEM) University of California San FranciscoCo-Director, Basic and Translational Science, UCSF-GIVI Center for AIDS Research, Emily P. Hyle, MD
Emily P. Hyle
Associate Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolehyle@mgh.harvard.edu Mark P. Ingaciola
Mark P. Ingaciola
Administrative Director, Administrative Coremark_ingaciola@harvard.edu617-384-9039 Whitney Irie, Ph.D., MSW
Whitney Irie
Co-Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering CommitteeHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberLecturer on Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcarewhitney.irie@bc.edu Denise L. Jacobson, PhD
Denise L. Jacobson
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescent & HIV Scientific Working GroupHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberSenior Research Scientist, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthjacobson@sdac.harvard.edu Sizun Jiang, PhD
Sizun Jiang
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreAssistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centersjiang3@bidmc.harvard.edu Boris D. Juelg, MD, PhD
Boris D. Juelg
Associate Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolbjulg@mgh.harvard.edu Ingrid T. Katz, MD
Ingrid T. Katz
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolikatz2@bwh.harvard.edu David M. Knipe, PhD
David M. Knipe
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberHiggins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical Schooldavid_knipe@hms.harvard.edu Douglas S. Krakower, MD
Douglas S. Krakower
Associate Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldkrakowe@bidmc.harvard.edu Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD
Daniel R. Kuritzkes
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Eradication; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberHarriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolChief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Brigham and Women’s Hospitaldkuritzkes@partners.org Douglas Kwon, MD, PhD
Douglas Kwon
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldkwon@mgh.harvard.edu Jonathan Z. Li, MD
Jonathan Z. Li
Director, HU CFAR Clinical CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooljli@bwh.harvard.edu Mathias Lichterfeld, MD, PhD
Mathias Lichterfeld
Director, HU CFAR Program in HIV Eradication HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmlichterfeld@mgh.harvard.edu Daniel Lingwood, PhD
Daniel Lingwood
Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schooldlingwood@mgh.harvard.edu Shahin Lockman, MD, MSc
Shahin Lockman
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthshahin.lockman@gmail.com Lawrence C. Madoff, MD
Lawrence C. Madoff
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberMedical Director, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences at Massachusetts Department of Public HealthProfessor, UMass Chan Medical Schoollawrence.madoff@umassmemorial.org Julia Lenore Marcus, PhD
Julia Lenore Marcus
Associate Professor of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim HealthcareJulia_Marcus@harvardpilgrim.org Kenneth H. Mayer, MD
Kenneth H. Mayer
Director, HU CFAR Bio-Behavioral and Community Science; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberProfessor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Co-Director, The Fenway InstituteProfessor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthkhmayer@gmail.com Monty A. Montano, PhD
Monty A. Montano
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolMMONTANO@BWH.HARVARD.EDU Brian Mustanski, PhD
Brian Mustanski
External Scientific Advisory Board MemberDirector, Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing, Northwestern UniversityCo-Director, NIH Third Coast Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Anne M. Neilan, MD
Anne M. Neilan
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescence and HIV Scientific Working Group; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssistant Professor of Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospitalaneilan@mgh.harvard.edu Conall M. O’Cleirigh, PhD
Conall M. O’Cleirigh
Associate Director, HU CFAR Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberDirector, Behavioral Medicine Program, Massachusetts General HospitalAssociate Professor, Harvard Medical Schoolcocleirigh@mgh.harvard.edu Alberto N. Ottoboni
Alberto N. Ottoboni
Program Manager, Administrative CoreHU CFAR Administrator, Substance Use & HIV Scientific Working Groupalberto_ottoboni@harvard.edu Robert A. Parker, ScD
Robert A. Parker
Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Associate Biostatistician, Biostatistics Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Kathleen M. Powis, MD
Kathleen M. Powis
Co-Director, HU CFAR Adolescence and HIV Scientific Working Group; HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical SchoolResearch Associate, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthkpowis@partners.org Christina Psaros, PhD
Christina Psaros
Associate Director, Implementation Science, Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core Associate Director, Behavioral Medicine Program, Massachusetts General HospitalAssociate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical Schoolcpsaros@mgh.harvard.edu Robert Turner Schooley, MD
Robert Turner Schooley
HU CFAR External Scientific Advisory Board MemberProfessor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine, UCSDChief, Division of Infectious Diseases, UC San Diego Health Michael S. Seaman PhD
Michael S. Seaman
Associate Director, HU CFAR Advanced Lab Technologies CoreAssociate Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centermseaman@bidmc.harvard.edu Roger L. Shapiro, MD, MPH
Roger L. Shapiro
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolAssociate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healthrshapiro999@gmail.com Robert Francis Siliciano, MD, PhD
Robert Francis Siciliano
HU CFAR External Scientific Advisory Board Member Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Mark J. Siedner, MD
MarK J. Siedner
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolmsiedner@mgh.harvard.edu Laura M. Smeaton, MS
Laura M. Smeaton
Associate Director, HU CFAR Biostatistics and Bioinformatics CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberSenior Biostatistician and Associate Director of Biostatistical Training, Center for Biostatistics in AIDS Research, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Kathryn E. Stephenson, MD
Kathryn E. Stephenson
Associate Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee Member, Associate Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centerkstephen@bidmc.harvard.edu Virginia Triant, MD, MPH
Virginia Triant
Associate Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring Corevtriant@partners.org Athe M.N. Tsibris, MD
Athe M.N. Tsibris
Co-Director, HU CFAR Developmental and Mentoring CoreHU CFAR Executive Committee MemberAssistant Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical Schoolatsibris@partners.org Vladimir Vrbanac, DVM
Vladimir Vrbanac
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberCo-Director, Human Immune System Mouse Core, Ragon Institutevvrbanac@partners.org Bruce D. Walker, MD
Bruce D. Walker
HU CFAR Executive Committee MemberPhillip T. and Susan M. Ragon Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Medicine, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, S. A.Director, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard Courtney Yuen, PhD
Courtney Yuen
Associate Director, Implementation Science, Bio-behavioral and Community Science Core Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospitalcourtney_yuen@hms.harvard.edu
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