Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core presents: Introduction to bulk RNA-seq Data Analysis (Part I) – February 4, 7, 11

REGISTER HERE:  https://hbctraining.github.io/main/registrations/AllFunders_Intro-bulkRNAseqPart-I
DATES: Feb 4, 7 and 11, 2025
TIME: 9:30 AM – 12 PM ET (All Days)
PREREQUISITES: Registrants should have taken the Shell for Bioinformatics workshop recently!

This hands-on workshop will instruct participants on how to design a bulk RNA-seq experiment, and how to efficiently manage and analyze the data using the command-line interface and high-performance computing. The workshop will cover the first part of the bulk RNA-seq data analysis workflow, from experimental design to the generation of a count matrix.

Note: Differential gene expression analysis on the count matrix will be covered in a separate workshop (Introduction to bulk RNA-seq data – Part II).

More details, including eligibility criteria, about this workshop are available below, on the registration page and in the attached flyer.