Request for Proposals: HU CFAR Developmental & Mentoring Core New Funding Opportunities

The Harvard University Center for AIDS Research (HU CFAR) is pleased to announce two separate Requests for Proposals in HIV/AIDS research for awards beginning August 1, 2023. 

This award is intended to support early-stage HIV investigators who are on a path leading to an independent research project. Applications proposing basic science research are greatly encouraged.

This award is intended to support research focused on the intersection of substance use and HIV. Proposals may be domestic or international in scope. Early stage investigators, and investigators without HIV-related R01-level funding are eligible. Basic science proposals are encouraged.

*New Requirements

All applications must include a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP). To enhance diverse perspectives in HIV research, these RFPs are piloting this new requirement as a non-scorable element of a complete application. The “Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives” (PEDP) should be one paragraph in length (no more than half page) and must summarize the strategies to include diverse perspectives that advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposal.”
For details and examples, see pages 5-6 in the Early Career Investigators RFP; and 6-7 in the Substance Use & HIV RFP.

Application deadline is April 17, 2023 (5pm EDT)